I am home today. I didn’t sleep well and about 20 minutes into my commute, the Roto-Rooter Man decided to take up residence in my digestive system. After 2 stops and looking for a 3rd, I decided that there were things not meant to be. I’ve called in and hope they find a sub. Or not. I’m home and considering buying a padded toilet seat. Glorious start to the week, eh?

I’m thinking of taking the laptop to bed and either reading or writing. Or maybe I’ll just sleep until this nastiness passes.

And now it’s time for –


ManCandy Monday. For the most part, I’m in the mood for a kilted man today. I don’t know what it is about kilts,


but dang, do they set my joy buzzer, if you know what I mean. I love going to Dragoncon because you see all sorts in kilts – Klingons in kilts, Stormtroopers in Kilts, Star Trek Officers in kilts… you name it, they’ll kilt it.

If the man on the bookcover is wearing a kilt – I’m liable to read it!


Does this count as a kilt? Of sorts?


I guess you can guess what today’s edition is about.


You know, I’ve not SEEN this, I’ve not read the books – they were planned this year as part of my series year, but I’m struggling to finish the last 4 books of Arly Hanks! Oh well! Personally, I don’t find this actor to be my cup of tea, but deck him out in this stuff and DAMN!!!!

572c13d06da53cad77d7d699fe45484bKilt gerry

I have no idea who he is, but I would most definitely tap that. A few times!!!


As always, saving the best for last. Not kilted, but he doesn’t need to be!


I hope your day has started out better than mine.